Marantz outdid Pioneer with an extra 30 watts per channel with their beautiful Marantz 2600. The Marantz was yet another brand participating in the stereo receiver wars of the 1970s. Marantz 2600 – Unique Look With A Touch Of Power Marantz 2600 on eBay. The Pioneer SX-1980 was not only an absolute beast, it was and still is Pioneer’s most powerful receiver to this day. Not only this, the SX 1980 weighed in at 78 pounds while being 22 inches wide, 19 and a half inches deep, and a height of 8.25 inches.

This was back in 1978! Adjusting for in inflation, that comes out to around $5,000 in 2019. The SX 1980 retailed for just under $1,300. This huge power rating didn’t come without it’s downfalls. The Pioneer SX-1980 produces a conservative 270 watts RMS per channel at no more than 0.03% total harmonic distortion (THD). The Pioneer SX-1980 was introduced right at the peak of the stereo receiver wars in 1978. The Pioneer SX-1980 – One Word, Power: Pioneer SX 1980 on eBay. This led to the stereo receiver wars where many manufacturers were trying to introduce their the most powerful stereo receiver in the attempt to outdo each other. This included receiver manufacturers like Pioneer, Marantz, Sansui, and Technics. After this new at-the-time law, manufacturers could no longer stamp fake power ratings on their gear. This was due to the fact that many manufacturers were citing fake numbers in order to harness sales. The receiver wars started when in 1975 when the Federal Trade Commission enacted a law requiring anyone who manufactures any type of audio amplifier to cite the actual RMS power ratting. All four of these models were introduced during the height of the stereo receiver wars of the 1970s. In this post however, I’m going to be focusing on the most legendary models that really showed just how obnoxiously powerful these very well-built beautiful stereo receivers have become. Stereo receivers with less built in components often sound better although I’ve heard some really good multi component models. 75% of all high end vintage stereo receivers have a built in tuner and a magnitude of inputs that a receiver can accept. Some vintage receivers can have other built in components such as an 8 track player, a cassette deck, and even a turntable. The Definition Of A Stereo Receiver:Ī stereo receiver is essentially an integrated amplifier with a built in tuner. Just be-aware as due to the popularity of these models, you will be paying to own them.

These models are some of the best vintage receivers ever to exist. Although vintage receivers are known to sound absolutely amazing, there are certain models that have been introduced over this golden age of audio. One of these pieces of gear are what is known as a vintage stereo receiver. Back in the golden age of audio, namely from the 60s all the way into the 80s, there has been a great deal of high end audio gear.